Mrs. Laity's classes have some order deadlines quickly approaching! If you aren't sure if you already placed an order, please email Mrs. Laity: jlaity@riverridge210.org.

Yearbook orders for 24/25 are already in progress. Order forms will be going home later this week for those who have not already placed an order. Please see the list below for current pre-orders. And, remember, the pre-order rate is $30 by December 20.

Veterans Day is coming up. We'd love to hear from current and past River Ridge Alumni who have served our country. Please fill out the form with your service information: bit.ly/RRAlumniVet

The first middle school dance 🕺 is in the books! Thank you student council for providing this spooktacular event!

Parent-Teacher Conferences are this week, Wednesday and Thursday. That means a 1:30 dismissal those days. Please contact your teacher or the office to schedule. #TeamWildcats
(There is also no school Tuesday for Election Day and a 1:30 dismissal Friday for SIP day.)

Last week, Miss Lieb's first-grade art class learned about lines by making skeletons with goopy glue! 👻
Students loved repeating the goopy glue rules: "Dot • Dot • Not A Lot!"

The 8th graders are selling apparel to fundraise for their 8th grade class trip. The store closes 11/18. All merchandise will be picked up from Mrs. Winders or an 8th grade seller. Thank you for your support! Follow the link for the online store:

When you come to see the show, the drama department will have yummy goodies for sale!

Middle schoolers enjoyed a day of dress up and a few Halloween 👻 themed games!

Celebrating the last underground spirit week day with Christmas gear! Halloween is over so you know what that means...

High School Boys' Basketball begins soon!

Plan accordingly!

The 7th Grade Business Exploratory class got into the Halloween spirit by researching dead brands and building tombstones with the details of their demise. Hand drawn and colored logos were added to complete each headstone. We'll build upon these business concepts as we progress through the quarter.

High school students decorated classroom doors and handed out candy to elementary students as they paraded their costumes through the halls. 🎃

Happy Halloween from the UNO Elementary staff that wishes you a safe & happy truck or treat!

The Mobile Museum of Tolerance visited River Ridge High School Wednesday, Oct. 30. Students from Mr. Dickerson’s English II class learned about digital media literacy. Front, from left, Alejandra Velazquez, Faith Morhardt, Damien Page, Kaden Bauer and Jackson Goldsmith; and back, from left, Anna Wachter, Natalie Keleher, Genevieve Kidwell, Piper Golden, Isabella Wasmund, Nick Cobine, Sully Bower and Hamish Boden.

7th graders are currently wrapping up the play, A Raisin in the Sun, by Lorraine Hansberry. While this play is typically read in high school, it is now part of our middle school curriculum. The 7th graders knocked it out of the park with this one! Pictured are 1st, 2nd, and 3rd 🥉 place winners of games played revolving around the play. #funtimesinliteratureclass#bennythebat!

Daylight saving time will officially end on Nov. 3, 2024, when clocks fall back by an hour. A good night's sleep is important for your child's success at school. Help your child with a consistent bedtime to ensure an easy transition with the time change.

We're WILD over these 23/24 yearbooks. All orders have been distributed! If you didn't order one, we still have some extra copies available on a first come, first serve basis for $40. See Mrs. Laity.

RRSM LadyCats Basketball is starting soon! 🏀