District #210
School Board
High School
Fine Arts
Middle School
High School Sports
Middle School Sports
FOIA (Freedom of Information Act)
The Freedom of Information Act is the principle Illinois law governing the inspection of public records.
Illinois Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
In compliance with State Law (5 ILCS 140/4), each school district is required to post specific information regarding the school district as part of FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) requirements.
The Freedom of Information Act is the principle Illinois law governing the inspection of public records. Originally enacted in 1984, it is based on the principle that the public should be able to access public records and information about the workings of their government. The principle mandate of the Act states that "each public body shall make available to any person for inspection and copying all public records."
The Freedom of Information Act, however, does recognize that in order to enable public bodies to perform certain governmental functions properly, and in order to protect personal privacy, some records and information may need to be kept confidential. Examples of documents that are not considered open to the public include individual student records, materials that could compromise security if released, documents related to ongoing labor negotiations, some records related to litigation or other legal procedures, and others.
Public records are defined in FOIA as "all records, reports, forms, writings, letters, memoranda, books, papers, maps, photographs, microfilms, cards, tapes, recordings, electronic data processing records, electronic communications, recorded information and all other documentary materials pertaining to the transaction of public business, regardless of physical form or characteristics, having been prepared by or for, or having been or being used by, received by, in the possession of, or under the control of any public body." Information may be available in electronic as well as paper format. All requests shall be made in writing and submitted to the FOIA Officer by mail, personal delivery, fax, or e-mail.
Requests for information must be made in writing. . The form is also available at the District .
The written request should include the requestor's name, address, the date, and a daytime phone number so that the district can contact the requestor if they have any questions. Please provide as much information as possible on the subject matter in order to help expedite the search process.
When completed, the request should be submitted to the district's FOIA Officer:
Requests must be emailed to: cfox@riveriverridge210.org mailed to:
Colleen Fox, FOIA Officer
River Ridge CUSD #210
4141 IL Route 84S
Hanover, IL 61041