River Ridge Principal
Mr. Foltz
My office is always open to visitors. If you don't have the time to stop in, please feel free to call or email me with any questions, comments, or concerns you might have.

Phone:815-858-9005 ext310
Email: mfoltz@riverridge210.org
River Ridge--Where the Student is Always #1
The student is always first at River Ridge. The entire staff works very hard to make sure that our students are given every chance to succeed. We want River Ridge to be a source of pride for our local communities, and we are constantly working to make River Ridge a better learning environment. The community plays a large part in making any school successful, so please continue to take part in making River Ridge a wonderful place to be. Whether it be volunteering to help out in a classroom or attending your favorite sporting event, every little bit of help appreciated. Remember communication is key, so if you have any questions, comments or concerns please feel free to let us know so we can work together to make River Ridge even better.