3rd-5th graders had a special assembly today with Suzi Taylor, a River Ridge alum who now teaches at Montana State University. Suzi presented information about the Nationwide Eclipse Ballooning Project where college and high school students are deployed across the U.S. with equipment that will videotape and collect data about Monday's eclipse. Our students learned about the science behind the eclipse and how engineers have designed the balloons and equipment to collect data so we can learn even more. Please ask your student about what they learned today and tune in on Monday, April 8 to www.eclipse.montana.edu to view the eclipse video from the balloons. Much thanks to Suzi Taylor and her mom, Patsy Geiger, for providing this awesome opportunity for our students.
10 months ago, Laura Kuzniar
Students in library
Nationwide Eclipse Ballooning Project
Students learning
Solar Eclipse
Third graders
Fourth graders
It's April, despite the snow on the ground, and that means there's a new Counselor's Corner newsletter available! Be sure to check this one out for upcoming important dates and information for our seniors. https://sites.google.com/riverridge210.org/counselorscorner/home
10 months ago, Marie Brzezinski
Do not miss the fun! Be sure to return your registration forms and fees by Friday, April 5th. Additional forms are coming home today/tomorrow. Contact Mrs. Alaina Klippert with any questions.
11 months ago, Alaina Klippert
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Do not miss the fun! Be sure to return your registration forms and fees by Friday, April 5th. Additional forms are coming home today/tomorrow. Contact Mrs. Alaina Klippert with any questions.
11 months ago, Alaina Klippert
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Due to weather conditions this morning, River Ridge CUSD 210 will be on a 2 hour delay and there will be no preschool classes for today - Wednesday, April 3, 2024.
11 months ago, Colleen Fox
I know what the weather forecast is for the next few days, but don't lose hope! Warm summer weather is coming and we just might be able to get some swimming days in over the summer break. Check out the swimming lessons offered at the Galena pool!
11 months ago, Laura Kuzniar
Galena Swimming Lesson flyer
The 7th graders are mastering the sewing machines!
11 months ago, Candy Stewart
8th grade
Congratulations to Ty Spahn on his runner up finish at the FFA State Awards Day in Mt. Zion! He did a fantastic job with his interview to place 2nd in State. Way to go!
11 months ago, Peggy Trone
Runner up
Congratulations to the FFA officers for the 2024-2025 school year!
11 months ago, Peggy Trone
The newly elected FFA officers!
11 months ago, Peggy Trone
We may have snow outside but the greenhouse is plenty warm! The horticulture class has been busy planting and transplanting all kinds of vegetables and flowers!
11 months ago, Peggy Trone
Fifth grade just completed a unit in ELA on Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream and performed scenes from their readings today for 4th grade and parents. The kids were impressive with their acting, costume design and presentation. Thank you to Mrs Benson, Mrs Albrecht and 5th graders for your hard work and investment in a wonderful learning experience!
11 months ago, Laura Kuzniar
5th graders
5th graders
5th graders
5th graders
5th graders
5th graders
The small gym was packed yesterday as students from the area visited the Career Training Expo! Over three dozen tables were set up for students to learn about the trades, CTE courses, Highland Community College programs, the military, and more.
11 months ago, Marie Brzezinski
The FFA Chapter had a work day at Safe Haven last week. Thank you to all of the FFA members that donates their time to help wash windows, level gravel and socialize with the dogs and cats!
11 months ago, Peggy Trone
Pictures from the FFA Safe Haven work day!
11 months ago, Peggy Trone
If your student brought home a letter about the opportunity to have dental work done please send those forms back to school. We need those right away so that we can get appointments scheduled. If you have questions please call school. If you are not interested please call school and let us know. Thanks
11 months ago, Tammy Smith
dental letter
Be sure to register for Daddy Daughter Dance by Friday, March 22nd! Hosted by the RRMS Student Council.
11 months ago, Alaina Klippert
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Be sure to register for the Mother Son Night of Fun event by Friday, March 22nd! Hosted by the RRMS Student Council.
11 months ago, Alaina Klippert
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These juniors and seniors volunteered at the Elizabeth Museum and train depot after today's early dismissal. They did yard work and prepped the flower bed outside, plus vacuumed and washed display cases inside. Recruiter and retired RRMS educator Kim Thorsen stated, "The place is ready for customers. These folks were phenomenal! Proud to be a Wildcat!" Shout out to Arthur, Isaac, Mason, Brynn, Damon, and Aden!
11 months ago, Jen Laity
EHS volunteer crew
On Thursday, March 14, the River Ridge Academic Bowl team went three rounds into the WCCI tournament and took home the fourth-place trophy. Front row: Cora Boop, Micaela Miller, and Katie Cobine; and back row, Ian Wachter, team captain Matthew Johnson, Aizlynn Griffiths, Lucius Mendenhall, coach Jay Dickerson, Avery Engle, and Aden Ahmedi. Go Wildcats!
11 months ago, Jay Dickerson
River Ridge Academic Bowl